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Oil soup

 After another nice ride check underneath by beater and found oil soaking down from the engine. After some inspection made assumption that oil filter housing seal is done. Omg, it was done totally, rubber was like really hard plastic. After googling a bit, found out this is another standard bmw thing, basically 20 years made their part.

This fix was cheep, 2.5eur for elring seal, and relatively easy. Also changed oil line from oil housing into vanos unit, was leaking slowly. Those kinda fixes are kinda optional, but to my mind when car is used on it's limit become required, or if want car to not fail randomly. Also new termostat went in this round, not liking fluctuating engine temp at all. Note, woring on termostat this happened

But welding machine helped me out

Old termostat had strange o-ring stuck between parts.  

So far so good, need winter tyres on the front and hunt for action time.


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And we rollin

 Shit box bmw theme continues... Above one made me taste few bites of excitement cake to slide side ways and smoke tyres , could not resist to switch to something daily drive-able and less beaten up. Big part of daily drive-able vs trailer only car is price of course. After some sells tracking found e46 silver sedan with m52TUB25 which is labelled by 323i model. Basically it's early version of m54B25 with bit less grunt, real m54 would bump price at least 500-700e, 3 litter another 500e, so was obvious to stick up with lower range 2.5 litter and idea that it's enough to start learning driving side ways.  From technical point of view this engine is closer to m54 than m52, cause has dual vanos, cylinder walls has steel sleeves unlike older m52 with nicosil/alusil coating on top of aluminium, which are prone to major failure when not serviced extra carefully. Of course car had some issues but important to me things were fine: -engine -shell free of accident damage -norm...