So things in front of the car were taken care first, also required less custom work. I read that e36, e46 standard issue with subframe mounting need to be eliminated if drifting is in the menu, so decided to check what state mine is in:
Pictures speak for themselves but in short situation was not great, standard some would call Even daily driven car appears to be in risk for mounting layers to crack and disconnect from chassis welds.
Youtube helped to understand metal sandwich layers and how weld inner structure to outer layer and overlaying custom plates into one.
I am amateur welder pro would tell for sure, but from my understanding it should be good enough. As someone said, know how to grind if welding isn't your strong side :)
Interesting part was differential welding. Also googled/youtubed that just welding gears won't last and extra plates need to be used for wide area welding together.
Subframe was all in rust, had to give some love there, from mechanical point of view it would be fine, but my inner me had other opinion.
This is how old pressed out bushings look like.
This is THE TOOL for pressing them out, was mind blown how easy it is to work with. These bad boys now rest in my toolset 🤗
Another tool I found requiring is one below. Well, tbh 99% of the time I would be fine with above one, but nevertheless that 1% was very satisfying.
Biggest complication was pressing out one side output shaft, it was stuck for life, at the end I break stuff with my precious press, but believe me regular methods wasn't working.
Good part I was in tact, was using precaution to stand covered with press side itself and with googles of course, but still things can happen.
Was willing to save reuse output shaft itself that is why had to improvise
Cut it carefully and loosen it up, also had to buy spare trailing arm, but got deal so good I ended up with full rear subframe, bigger brakes, and diff. Wifes wagon was used for good.
Putting things back together was really trivial at this point.
Basically all bushings apart engine and gearbox are now polyurethane and believe me car started to feel almost like my mini cooper s r56, was stiff but not racecar stiff. No nasty tail swinging forth and back when one wheel gets over bump on turn.
New tools looks really handy! It is good I know where you live! :D